Bacha-Salsa (Bachata / Salsa) Performance Course

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After the excellent performances by Salsa con Coco Bachata and Salsa Performance Teams at the 3rd Annual Auckland Salsa Fiesta and the NZ Salsa Congress, Coco & Vyara Proven Salsa & Bachata Performers and Coaches now bring you the following Course:

Bacha-Salsa Performance Course

Free Trial: Thursday 20:06:13 – 8:00pm

Course Duration: 10 Weeks

Salsa Con Coco provide costumes and video footage of the choreography

Course Fee: $250.00 or ($200.00 for current members)

At the completion of the course Participants will have the opportunity of performing at the Auckland Salsa Ball being held on 17:08:13. However, there is no obligation to perform.

Location: Trinity Hall, 400 New North Road, Kingsland

For Further Details please contact:

Coco (0212) 472-572 or
