We are holding a Twilight Salsa Cruise
Come and join us for a one off Salsa tour on the Wonderful Waitemata Harbour.
Coco will be your Latin D.J. for the night.
Cruise departs from : LuvBoat Cruises, Pier Z, Westhaven Marina, Westhaven, Auckland
Looking forward to welcoming you on board.
Tickets: $25.00
Date: 15 April 2018
Time: 4:00pm to 8:00pm
For further details and to secure your place on this cruise please contact Pam 0274454594 or pam@salsaconcoco.co.nz stating your full name and “twilight cruise” including how many tickets you want plus deposit your $25.00 / person into Bank Account 06-0082-0099541-01 also including your full name and “twilight cruise”
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/364372764069506/?ti=icl