Twilight Salsa Cruise

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We are holding a Twilight Salsa Cruise

Come and join us for a one off Salsa tour on the Wonderful Waitemata Harbour.

Coco will be your Latin D.J. for the night.

Cruise departs from : LuvBoat Cruises, Pier Z, Westhaven Marina, Westhaven, Auckland

Looking forward to welcoming you on board.

Tickets: $25.00

Date: 15 April 2018

Time: 4:00pm to 8:00pm

For further details and to secure your place on this cruise please contact Pam 0274454594 or stating your full name and “twilight cruise” including how many tickets you want plus deposit your $25.00 / person into Bank Account 06-0082-0099541-01 also including your full name and “twilight cruise”

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